Title: Madden 20 – Barry Sanders

Client: Detroit Lions / EA Sports

Role: Shooter/Editor

Getting the call from the Lions to follow around Barry Sanders and his son for a few hours for EA Sports sent my stomach straight into my throat. Those were two GIANT names that they wanted me to shoot for. It was such a cool experience. Both Jr. and Sr. were so nice and awesome. Jr. is a Madden ratings adjuster and there is no one better for him to bring with him than possibly the best running back ever, his father and Lions Legend, Barry Sanders. We didn’t get too many Lions players to stop for us and I understant they don’t want a video for the Lions to be filled with Vikings payers. 

We shot this right before the game and I had an edit back for them that night. I am super greatful for the opportunity and love when I get a call asking for an extra hand. Twitter link.

Hi I’m Anthony

My name is Anthony Marzilli and I am a Video and Motion Graphics editor with over 10 years of experience. I have worked on many projects big and small for companies of 1, all the way up to giant corporations.  I am capable of filming, editing, and adding motion graphics to any project, but I also have a team of other talented people that I employ when needed, so there is no job that I can’t handle!

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